Dierks Bentley – “5-1-5-0”

01 Jul

Songwriters:  Dierks Bentley, Brett Beavers, Jim Beavers

For all the great heights Dierks Bentley has achieved with his best material, it’s almost amazing how tasteless his up-tempo hits can be when attempting to tap into the party crowd demographic.  At the very best, “5-1-5-0” is not as grating as over-the-top predecessors such as “Sideways” or “Am I the Only One.”  The production is surprisingly clutter-free this time around, while including the generous touches of bluegrass-flavored instrumentation that Bentley’s records have often utilized.

Even then, the problem remains that “5-1-5-0” doesn’t quite rise above the contrived paint-by-number feel that has plagued many of Bentley’s previous efforts in this vein.  A noteworthy problem is that the song builds its hook around a concept that, in all likelihood, relatively few listeners will understand.  For those who don’t know, “5-1-5-0” is the California Police Code for an insane person, which the song ineffectively attempts to stretch into a metaphor picturing a man driven crazy with infatuation over a woman he has met, while cheesy references to calling “the po-po” sound just plain hokey.

Though it shows some relative good taste in certain areas (and mercificully does not end in a canned barroom singalong chorus a la “Sideways”), “5-1-5-0” lacks the intangible spark needed to truly capture the good-time, escapist vibe that it aims for.  Thus, it ultimately comes across as little more than mediocre radio filler.

(Scores are given on a scale of 1 to 10)

1 Comment

Posted by on July 1, 2012 in Single Reviews



One response to “Dierks Bentley – “5-1-5-0”

  1. I Made You A Mixtape

    July 2, 2012 at 9:07 AM

    I have to say- this puts me in a good mood! I have sometimes found his stuff a bit gimmicky- but this somewhoe matches my “oh-I-wish-I-was-on-summer-vacation” mood…


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